CPM Calculator

Free CPM  calculator. Enter your impressions and cost, and we’ll instantly calculate the CPM.

Enter the total cost and impressions to calculate the CPM (Cost per 1,000 Impressions):

CPM Calculator

You can also use the Cost Calculator or the Impression Calculator.

How to Calculate CPM

Formula: CPM = (Cost / Impressions) * 1000


  • CPM: This represents the cost to reach 1,000 viewers with your ad. It’s a common metric for comparing ad costs across platforms.
  • Cost: The total amount spent on the advertising campaign.
  • Impressions: The total number of times your ad is displayed, regardless of whether users click or interact with it.
  • 1000: Since CPM stands for “Cost per Thousand Impressions,” the formula multiplies by 1,000 to give the result in that unit.


Imagine your ad campaign cost $100 and received 25,000 impressions.

Using the formula: CPM = ($100 / 25,000) * 1000 = $4

Interpretation: In this case, your CPM is $4, meaning it costs $4 to reach 1,000 viewers with your ad campaign.

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